Sunday 29 September 2013

The truest friend!

Many years ago, I was a frustrated teenager. I felt no one understood me, and to be honest, I didn't even understand myself! I tried friendships, and being popular in school, but still that empty gnawing void remained. Many nights I cried myself to sleep because I was tormented by a feeling of worthlessness and abandonment. It didn't help that there had been changes in my family and I was in a new city and new school.

No matter how much my parents tried, I just felt they didn't know what I was going through. I couldn't even bring myself to tell how I felt because I didn't even understand why I felt the way I did!
Then one day after school, feeling so depressed and at the brink of despair, I started crying again. This time more intense than ever, and as I did, I wondered
"Why doesn't anyone care? Why am I so desperately lonely? Why do I feel so useless?"
As I pondered these questions, I suddenly remembered the words of the song I used to sing in my former school "What a friend we have in Jesus".
I had sang that song dozens of times during our school's morning assembly, so I knew the words by heart. But that day, as I sang the song with tears in my eyes and despair in my heart, the words came alive!
I realised I could talk to the Lord Jesus about anything. I knew there and then that I didn't need to carry this needless pain when I could take it to the Lord in prayer. 

Oh, how amazing those words were and still are! It was like water to my parched soul!
Even though I didn't know what I was doing, I remember asking Jesus to become my friend and give me peace. That was the day my life was changed for good. I felt peace deep down in my heart and it showed in my behaviour. I became a happier and more satisfied person. Through the years till date, He has remained a True Friend, a wonderful saviour and a loving Father. I have stumbled and fallen many times, but He has never left me or abandoned me, His gentle Hands have always lifted me up.

If you feel anything close to what I felt; being misunderstood and in despair, then may I suggest that you make Jesus your friend. You too can enjoy peace even when things don't make sense. You too can have the assurance that there is Someone who truly loves you and cares passionately about you.
You too can know that you don't have to bear whatever life throws your way alone, Jesus can help you bear any load.
Please sing with me, "What a friend we have in Jesus"

1.What a friend we have in Jesus, 
 all our sins and griefs to bear! 
 What a privilege to carry 
 everything to God in prayer! 
 O what peace we often forfeit,
 O what needless pain we bear, 
 all because we do not carry 
 everything to God in prayer. 

2. Have we trials and temptations? 
 Is there trouble anywhere? 
 We should never be discouraged; 
 take it to the Lord in prayer. 
 Can we find a friend so faithful 
 who will all our sorrows share? 
 Jesus knows our every weakness; 
 take it to the Lord in prayer. 

3. Are we weak and heavy laden, 
 cumbered with a load of care? 
 Precious Saviour, still our refuge; 
 take it to the Lord in prayer. 
 Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? 
 Take it to the Lord in prayer! 
 In his arms he'll take and shield thee; 
 thou wilt find a solace there.

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Image2 courtesy:


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